RENEWABLE RESOURCE: A natural resource that can be increased by either automatically through the natural forces of the environment or through actions undertaken by people. The quantities of renewable resources and not fixed and thus the amounts available for use tomorrow can be increased. Efficient use of renewable resources requires a balance between the rate of use and the rate of renewal. It is possible to efficiently use renewable resources indefinitely. However, such resources can also be exhausted if the rate of use exceeds the rate of renewal. Common examples of renewable resources are plant life, animal life, clean air, and clean water.
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Lesson 4: Production Possibilities | Unit 5: Investment
Page: 19 of 24
Investment is the tradeoff between consumption goods used for current satisfaction and capital goods that expand future productive capabilities.- Investment is not just putting money into the stock market. Investment is giving up current satisfaction to obtain greater future production, usually seen as giving up consumption goods to produce capital goods.
- Education and human capital that increase the productive skills and ability of labor.
- Exploration for mineral or fossil fuel deposits that add to land resources.
- Scientific research that expands technology and resource quality.
- The downside of investment is risk. There is no guarantee that you'll get something tomorrow.
Let's consider this basic tradeoff between capital and consumption.- Capital and consumption are the two basic types of goods needed for investment. If we produce more calibrators (capital), then we give up some jogging shoes (consumption).
- This tradeoff IS the fundamental act of investment. In the graph to the right, if we move from bundle A to E to I, we are giving up jogging shoes and getting calibrators.
We are investing!
MONEY FUNCTIONS Any item used as money in an economy automatically takes on four basic functions: (1) medium of exchange, (2) unit of account, (3) store of value, and (4) standard of deferred payment. While "buying and selling" means that money is THE medium of exchange, and by far THE most important function of money, money also performs unit of account, store of value, and standard of deferred payment functions.
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The first "Black Friday" on record, a friday marked by a major financial catastrophe, occurred on September 24, 1869 -- A FRIDAY -- when an attempted cornering of the gold market induced a financial crises and economy-wide depression.
"It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly. " -- Isaac Asimov
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