January 20, 2025 

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FDIC: The abbreviation for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which is a program established by Congress in 1933, during the worst of the Great Depression, to insure the deposits of failed banks. The FDIC operates much like any private insurance company. It collects insurance premiums from its customers--the banks--in return for the assurance that it will stand behind, or be ready to pay off, any deposits that the banks can't.

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Labor, capital, land, and entrepreneurship used by society to produce consumer satisfying goods and services. Scarce resources, also termed just resources, are often given the more descriptive term factors of production.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time calling an endless list of 800 numbers hoping to buy either a replacement remote control for your stereo system or a computer that can play video games and burn DVDs. Be on the lookout for jovial bank tellers.
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North Carolina supplied all the domestic gold coined for currency by the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia until 1828.
"Act well at the moment, and you have performed a good action for all eternity."

-- Johann Kaspar Lavater

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