CAPITAL ACCOUNT DEFICIT: An imbalance in a nation's balance of payments capital account in which payments made by the country for purchasing foreign assets exceed payments received by the country for selling domestic assets. In other words, investment by the domestic economy in foreign assets is less than foreign investment in domestic assets. This is generally not a desireable situation for a domestic economy. However, in the wacky world of international economics, a capital account deficit is often balanced by a current account surplus, which is generally considered a desireable situation. If, however, the current account does not balance out the capital account, then a capital account deficit contributes to a balance of payments deficit.
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Lesson 10: Utility and Demand | Unit 1: The Set Up
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- Recall that the definition of demand is something like this:
- Demand is the willingness and ability to buy a range of quantities of a good at a range of prices, during a given time period.
- The law of demand...
- The law of demand states that an inverse relation exists between demand price and the quantity demanded, ceteris paribus.
- If the price rises, buyers buy less; if the price falls, buyers buy more.
- One set of explanations for the law of demand are the income effect and the substitution effect.
SLOPE, AGGREGATE DEMAND CURVE The negative slope of aggregate demand curve, reflecting the inverse relation between the price level and aggregate expenditures on real production, is attributable to three primary effects--real-balance effect, interest-rate effect, and net-export effect.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time calling an endless list of 800 numbers looking to buy either a lighted magnifying glass or a small, foam rubber football. Be on the lookout for high interest rates. Your Complete Scope
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The 22.6% decline in stock prices on October 19, 1987 was larger than the infamous 12.8% decline on October 29, 1929.
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