January 20, 2025 

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LIMITED LIABILITY: A condition in which owners are not personally held responsible for the debts of by a firm. Corporations are the main form of business in which owners have limited liability. The primary benefit of limited liability is that it makes it possible for a business to accumulate large amounts of productive resources that lets it take advantage of large scale production.

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Lesson 10: Gross Domestic Product | Unit 2: Looking Behind GDP Page: 9 of 25

Topic: Home Production <=PAGE BACK | PAGE NEXT=>

Chunk C also is economic production that does NOT involve market transactions.

It includes household productive activities, such as cooking, cleaning, home repairs, and entertainment.

  • Hiring others for these tasks would be market transactions included in GDP.
  • If tasks are done personally, without pay, there is no market transaction and no record of production.
  • While information needed to estimate the value of household production could be collected, it might be more trouble than it's worth.

Chunk C is excluded from GDP.

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The family of short-run cost curves consisting of average total cost, average variable cost, and marginal cost, all of which have U-shapes. Each is U-shaped because it begins with relatively high but falling cost for small quantities of output, reaches a minimum value, then has rising cost at large quantities of output. Although the average fixed cost curve is not U-shaped, it is occasionally included with the other three just for sake of completeness.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time looking for a downtown retail store hoping to buy either a tall storage cabinet with five shelves and a secure lock or a birthday greeting card for your grandmother. Be on the lookout for poorly written technical manuals.
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The word "fiscal" is derived from a Latin word meaning "moneybag."
"Act well at the moment, and you have performed a good action for all eternity."

-- Johann Kaspar Lavater

Bayesian VAR (Vector Autoregression)
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