TRADING BLOC: A group of countries that are economically intertwined, share some common cultural background, are located close together, and coordinate their foreign trade policies. There are three trading blocs of note, North America, Europe, and Asia, although other portions of the globe aspire to this status. The North American bloc centers around the good old U. S. of A. with Canada and Mexico playing increasingly important roles. The European bloc contains most of the Western Europe with leading roles played by Germany, Britain, and France. Japan is the center of the Asian bloc that includes Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and several others.
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Lesson 19: Monopolistic Competition | Unit 5: Evaluation
Page: 20 of 22
The Good: Differences
- While monopolistic competition is inefficient and has excess capacity, all is not bad:
- Competition Among the Many: Although monopolistic competition is not perfect competition, it is competition.
- Price and Marginal Cost: While monopolistic competition does not produce the quantity that equates price and marginal cost, the difference is often NOT very big.
- Different Preferences: Because monopolistic competition firms offer different products, buyers are able to satisfy different tastes and preferences.
- Monopolistic competition may actually be a BETTER market structure than perfect competition -- at least better for real world people who live in the real world.
SAVING-INVESTMENT MODEL A variation of the Keynesian injections-leakages model that includes the two private sectors, the household sector and the business sector. This variation, more formally termed the two-sector injections-leakages model, captures the interaction between induced saving (and indirectly induced consumption expenditures) and autonomous investment expenditures. This model provides an alternative to the two-sector aggregate expenditures (Keynesian cross) analysis of the macroeconomy, including equilibrium, disequilibrium, and the multiplier. Equilibrium is identified as the intersection between the saving line and the investment line. Two related variations are the three-sector injections-leakages model and the four-sector injections-leakages model.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time surfing the Internet looking to buy either a green and yellow striped sweater vest or a Boston Red Sox baseball cap. Be on the lookout for strangers with large satchels of used undergarments. Your Complete Scope
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John Maynard Keynes was born the same year Karl Marx died.
"Act well at the moment, and you have performed a good action for all eternity." -- Johann Kaspar Lavater
BPEA Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
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