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HIERARCHY OF NEEDS: Developed by Abraham Maslow, the notion that people are motivated to satisfy basic physiological needs (food, shelter, etc.) before moving on to satisfying higher psychological needs (security, companionship, etc.). These alternative needs are layered in a hierarchial pattern with physiological needs on the bottom, safety needs on the second layer, belonging needs on the third layer, esteem needs on the fourth layer, and self-actualization needs at the top. This hierarchy of needs has been used to help explain the progress of human societies from agrarian to manufacturing to service to information.

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Lesson 7: Market Equilibrium | Unit 4: Adjustment Page: 13 of 22

Topic: Self-Correction <=PAGE BACK | PAGE NEXT=>

Markets have a built-in self correction mechanism:
  • If a market is at equilibrium, it remains there.
  • If a market is not at equilibrium, it moves to equilibrium.
  • A market does not need someone (like government) controlling it to ensure that it reaches equilibrium.
Three price alternatives:
  • At equilibrium, nothing changes.
  • Below equilibrium, a shortage.
  • Above equilibrium, a surplus.
  • By creating shortages and surpluses, non-equilibrium prices induce the price to change. These changing prices move the market back to equilibrium.

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The relative response of a change in quantity demanded to a change in price. More specifically the price elasticity of demand is the percentage change in quantity demanded due to a percentage change in price. This notion of elasticity captures the demand side of the market. A comparable elasticity on the supply side is the price elasticity of supply. Other notable demand elasticities are income elasticity of demand and cross elasticity of demand.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time touring the new suburban shopping complex hoping to buy either a birthday greeting card for your mother that doesn't look like a greeting card or a handcrafted spice rack. Be on the lookout for telephone calls from former employers.
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A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court!
"Do not wait; the time will never be just right "

-- Napoleon Hill, author

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