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THIRD RULE OF INEQUALITY: The third of seven basic rules of the economy. It is a fact of life that resources, income, and wealth are not equally distributed. Some people have more and some people have less. Why is this so? We can look to the age-old distinction between nature and nurture for insight. On the nature side, some people are born with more talents, abilities and intelligence than others, which they use to gain ownership and control of income-generating and wealth-producing resources. On the nurture side, some people work harder to develop skills, acquire education, and uncover opportunities that lead to ownership and control of income-generating and wealth-producing resources (human capital).

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Lesson 10: Utility and Demand | Unit 4: On To Demand Page: 14 of 21

Topic: A Generalized Choice <=PAGE BACK | PAGE NEXT=>

  • In many cases buyers are making choices between ONE good and EVERY other good that they could be purchasing.

  • The presumption is that every other good satisfies the rule of consumer equilibrium.

  • The question now becomes: How much beach frolicking do I undertake (or purchase) given that my going marginal utility-price ratio is 3 utils per dollar for other goods?

    1. Employing the rule of consumer equilibrium, I need to equate the marginal utility-price ratio (MU/P) for beach frolicking with the marginal utility-price ratio for other goods.

      MU/P for beach frolicking = MU/P for other goods

    2. Because the marginal utility-price ratio for other goods is 2 utils per dollar, the time I spend at the beach needs generates to generate the same 2 utils per dollar.

    3. If the price per hour at the beach is $2, then I need to stay at the beach until my marginal is 4 utils, a value generated at 5 hours. This gives me a marginal utility-price ratio (MU/P) for beach activity of 2 utils per dollar.

    4. I have satisfied the rule of consumer equilibrium!

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A scientific society whose main mission is to advance science and innovation throughout the world. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS for short) publishes one of the most respected scientific magazines called Science. The association and magazine have nearly 140,000 individual and institutional subscribers, plus 272 affiliated organizations in more than 130 countries, serving a total of 10 million individuals. The American Association for the Advancement of Science was founded in 1848 to represent all disciplines of science and to support scientific exchange and discussion of science and society issues.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time lost in your local discount super center looking to buy either a weathervane with a chicken on top or a flower arrangement with daisies and carnations for your uncle. Be on the lookout for attractive cable television service repair people.
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In 1914, Ford paid workers who were age 22 or older $5 per day -- double the average wage offered by other car factories.
"My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win out."

-- President Ronald Reagan

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