January 18, 2025 

AmosWEB means Economics with a Touch of Whimsy!

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WEIGHT: When applied to location theory, the relative attractive force of one activity to another based on transportation cost. The weight of an activity in this context is comparable to the weight of matter subject to gravitation forces. The weight of an activity is greater if it incurs higher transportation cost. As such, it is attracted, or pulled, to other activities to reduce transportation cost. With the weight (transportation cost) of an activity is often related to physical weight (heavier items cost more to move), it need not be. Other factors affecting weight include special handling (security, comfort) and type of transportation (walking, automobile, airplane).

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Your compete MICRO*scope for today

You are the type of person who does not balance form and function or style and substance, for you the latest trend trumps all. Family and friends never fail to notice when you enter a room. Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time looking for a downtown retail store trying to buy either a how-to book on the art of negotiation or a flower arrangement for your aunt. Be on the lookout for neighborhood pets, especially belligerent parrots. You should consider shopping at stores or businesses beginning with the letter O, but do not buy any products with a serial number or product code containing the number 775508. Your preferred shopping venue is high-end specialty stores. Your special symbol is the forward slash (/).

Is this You?

As a Pink Fadfly, you flutter from store to store, from product to product, looking for the latest fashions. You are the trend-setter and at the forefront of all fads. If it's new, if it's trendy, if it's on the cutting edge, you are there. Price is not important. Quality is not a prime consideration. For you it's not a matter of form over function or style over substance. The latest trend trumps all.

This isn't me! What am I?

A shock to the long-run aggregate market caused by an increase in aggregate supply, resulting in and illustrated by a rightward shift of the long-run aggregate supply curve. An increase in aggregate supply in the long-run aggregate market results in a decrease in the price level and an increase in real production. The level of real production resulting from the shock is a greater level of full-employment real production.

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Packing Up For MIGRATION

The quiet, peaceful town of Shady Valley has always been a great place for a pedestrian to wander through the workings of the economy. I'm afraid, though, that it's about to end. I've been offered another job -- an opportunity to wander around the streets of the distant mecca of Shady Lane to search out the mysteries of plant pathology. In Shady Lane, the sidewalks are smoother, the crosswalks are better, and the pay is much more lucrative. However, in that Shady Lane is in another time zone and several states away, migration would be my last topic of the day. There's a lot to be gained from this potential relocation of my residence, but it's not without cost. While I ponder this decision, perhaps you can help out by considering the topic of migration.
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Visit the PEDestrian's Guide


A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court!
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

-- Mark Twain

London Metal Exchange
A PEDestrian's Guide
Xtra Credit
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