IMPLICIT LOGROLLING: A type of voter logrolling in which two separate programs or policies are combined into a single package, which is then subject to a single vote. With implicit logrolling, each voter is "on record" only for the entire package and thus can contend that a vote was cast only for "their" favored program. Implicit logrolling is commonly used by legislators to trade votes without appearing to trade votes. Legislators can come out in support of "their" programs, while simultaneously being against "other" programs, even though they actually voted for the "other" programs by voting for "their" programs, but they didn't really want to vote for the "other" programs and only voted for the "other" programs to ensure passage of "their" programs. An alternative type of logrolling is explicit logrolling.
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ECONOMICS OF INFORMATION The study of the role that information plays in the economy and in the allocation of resources, with special attention paid to efficient information search. Key topics in this area of study and analysis are asymmetric information, moral hazard, adverse selection, signalling, and screening. This study of the economics of information also provides insight into the analysis of risk and uncertainty, which are important to insurance and financial markets.
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"An idea is never given to you without you being given the power to make it reality." -- Richard Bach, Author
Creating WEALTHWealth -- what is it and how do you get it? Perhaps one of those home business franchises that sell cleaning products, housewares, or perfume can be your source of financial independence. And, as evidenced by those late-night infomercials, the always lucrative area of real estate investment is almost certain to turn you into a gadzillionaire by next Thursday. Or perhaps tinkering in the financial markets with penny stocks, gold futures, or silver options is more your cup of tea. (My personal favorite is the Darling Donna's Chimney Sweep outfit that gives you the opportunity for a meaningful career in the high-profile field of chimney maintenance products.) The question for today is: Are any of these get-rich-quick schemes better than buying a lottery ticket?
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time wandering around the downtown area looking to buy either a New York Yankees baseball cap or several magazines on home repairs. Be on the lookout for bottles of barbeque sauce that act TOO innocent. Your Complete Scope
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The average bank teller loses about $250 every year.
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