VARIABLE FACTOR OF PRODUCTION: An input whose quantity can be changed in the time period under consideration. This usually goes by the shorter term fixed input and should be immediately compared and contrasted with fixed factor of production, which goes by the shorter term fixed input. The most common example of a variable factor of production is labor. A variable factor of production provides the extra inputs that a firm needs to expand short-run production. In contrast, a fixed factor of production, like capital, provides the capacity constraint in production. As larger quantities of a variable factor of production, like labor, are added to a fixed factor of production like capital, the variable factor of production becomes less productive.
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Your compete MICRO*scope for today
You are the type of person who wants nothing more than to hit the "pause button" on your hectic life, just for a few moments, just so you can catch your breath, just a moment or two of tranquility, just so you can sort out the options. Family and friends have considered strapping you down to a chair on more than one occasion. Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time going from convenience store to convenience store wanting to buy either a birthday greeting card for your father or a T-shirt commemorating the first day of spring. Be on the lookout for pencil sharpeners with an attitude. You should consider shopping at stores or businesses beginning with the letter Z, but do not buy any products with a serial number or product code containing the number 710035. Your preferred shopping venue is mail order catalogs. Your special symbol is the question mark (?).
Is this You?
As a Gray Skittery, you are ambivalent, indecisive, and uncertain. You are in a constant struggle between the forces of demand and supply, production and consumption, good and evil... and you're losing the battle. You have trouble making decisions and choosing from among the seemingly infinite number of options that you perpetually face. Your shopping experiences are inevitably confusing.
This isn't me! What am I?
ALTERNATIVE UNEMPLOYMENT RATES The official unemployment rate estimated and reported monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) using data from Current Population Survey is one of six alternative measures of unemployment tracked and reported by the BLS, officially labeled sequentially U1 through U6. The "official" unemployment rate is U3. The other five measures seek to document different ways in which labor can be under utilized, including unemployment duration, job losers, discouraged workers, marginal workers, and part-time workers.
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The Sick State Of HEALTH CAREOur pedestrian's guide to the economy would be remiss if we failed to stroll past the Shady Valley Memorial Hospital and my very own physician's place of business, the Dr. Dowrimple T. Bedside Family Clinic, to examine the considerable controversy over health care. A debate has raged for years over health care in the United States, including, but not limited to, the quality of services, their cost, their slice of the economic pie, who pays, who doesn't, and who should.
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Francis Bacon (1561-1626), a champion of the scientific method, died when he caught a severe cold while attempting to preserve a chicken by filling it with snow.
"All things are difficult before they are easy." -- Thomas Fuller, Physician
DIDMCA Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act
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