January 24, 2025 

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APP: The abbreviation of average physical product, which is the quantity of total output produced per unit of a variable input, holding all other inputs fixed. Average physical product, usually abbreviated APP, is found by dividing total physical product by the quantity of the variable input. Average physical product is actually just another name for average product (AP). But don't be confused by the extra term (physical).

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at the confiscated property police auction looking to buy either storage boxes for your summer clothes or 500 feet of coaxial cable. Be on the lookout for broken fingernail clippers.
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The New York Stock Exchange was established by a group of investors in New York City in 1817 under a buttonwood tree at the end of a little road named Wall Street.
"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine."

-- Anthony J. D'Angelo

Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Relations
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