HISTORICAL COST: An accounting principle stating that expenses are recorded in terms of original or acquisition cost. Such a practice does not necessarily indicate the opportunity cost or current market value.
Visit the GLOSS*arama

My Sales Pitch On ADVERTISINGOur extended sojourn through the winding complexities of the economy has worn the soles from my jogging shoes. For the best bargain on a new pair, let's consult those annoying flyers stuffed into the Sunday newspaper. We're in luck. The Mega-Mart Discount Warehouse Super Center is having their monthly "once in a lifetime" sale on jogging shoes. Without this Mega-Mart Discount Warehouse Super Center advertising supplement, I might have unknowingly paid a higher price for my brand new Fleet Feet Footwear jogging shoes. Isn't advertising wonderful?
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Visit the PEDestrian's Guide

Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time searching for a specialty store looking to buy either a toaster oven that has convection cooking or a birthday gift for your mother. Be on the lookout for door-to-door salesmen. Your Complete Scope
This isn't me! What am I?
A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court!
"All things are difficult before they are easy." -- Thomas Fuller, Physician
IIP Index of Industrial Production
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