Getting The Most Out Of WORKING WOMENNo pedestrian excursion around the economy could be even remotely considered complete without a stop at the Shady Valley Museum of Traditional Family Life. Just beyond the freshly painted white picket fence and the newly mown lawn resides a full-scale, life-like, fully functional model of the traditional family. The two-car garage houses Mom's good old reliable family stationwagon right next to Dad's sensible four-door sedan. Inside the humble, but well-kept abode, we can find young Billy, who aspires to a career as a highly-paid doctor, and his sister, little Debbie, who hopes to marry a highly-paid doctor. The faithful family dog, Spot, is resting comfortably at the feet of our traditional husband, provider, and father, who has just returned from a long, hard day on the office. He has worked long and hard on this day to provide for his traditional family. Purring at the feet of our traditional wife, mother, and homemaker, is Fluffy, the family cat. Our traditional wife is busily preparing the night's traditional family fare of pot roast, potatoes, and green beans. After the meal, she will gaily clean the evening's dishes, a fine ending to her day that has been filled with shopping, baking, and cleaning. How quaint!
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