FISCAL POLICY: Use of the federal government's powers of spending and taxation to stabilize the business cycle. If the economy is mired in a recession, then the appropriate fiscal policy is to increase spending or reduce taxes--termed expansionary policy. During periods of high inflation, the opposite actions are needed--contractionary policy. The consequences of fiscal policy are typically observed in terms of the federal deficit.
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Those Astronomical ATHLETE SALARIES It's a great day to take in a ball game, don't you think? With our hustling, bustling jaunt through the economy, we probably deserve a relaxing afternoon of hot dogs and peanuts with my favorite baseball team -- the Shady Valley Primadonnas. Of course the hot dogs and peanuts are overpriced, and you might need a second mortgage on your house to buy the ticket, but the expense is worth watching of the finest athletes in the world display their world-class athletic abilities. We might even coax an autograph from the Primadonnas all-star centerfielder -- Harold "Hair Doo" Dueterman.
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Visit the PEDestrian's Guide
Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time lost in your local discount super center trying to buy either a how-to book on wine tasting or a bookshelf that will fit in your closet. Be on the lookout for empty parking spaces that appear to be near the entrance to a store. Your Complete Scope
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Woodrow Wilson's portrait adorned the $100,000 bill that was removed from circulation in 1929. Woodrow Wilson was removed from circulation in 1924.
"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine." -- Anthony J. D'Angelo
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
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