March 6, 2025 

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AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE: A private organization that seeks to maintain and strengthen the foundations of freedom through scholarly research, open debate, and publications. The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (as it is officially designated) promotes the principles of limited government, private enterprise, vital cultural and political institutions, and a strong foreign policy and national defense. The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) publishes dozens of books and hundreds of articles and reports each year, and an influential policy magazine called The American Enterprise. The AEI is one of the largest and most respected "think tanks" in the United States. The AEI, which was founded in 1943, is located in Washington, D.C.

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Unemployment is the condition that exists when some available resources are NOT engaged in the production of goods and services. In other words, some resources that could be used for production are not being used. This is indicated in production possibilities analysis by producing a combination of goods that places the economy inside the production possibilities curve.

Production possibilities, which analyzes the alternative combinations of two goods that an economy can produce with given resources and technology, indicates unemployment when production is inside the production possibilities curve.

Unemployment means resources that could be used for production are not being used. And when some resources are not being used for production, the economy does not reach the production possibilities curve--the curve that corresponds to full employment. In particular, unemployment results from any point INSIDE the production possibilities curve.

To illustrate this, use the mouse arrow to point out unemployment as all points, including L, that lie INSIDE this curve for the production of crab puffs and storage sheds. However, you might also note that points D and J on the boundary of the production possibilities curve achieve full employment. In addition, note that point M is not attainable with existing resources and technology.


Recommended Citation:

UNEMPLOYMENT, PRODUCTION POSSIBILITIES, AmosWEB Encyclonomic WEB*pedia,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: March 6, 2025].

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     | function text0(){"" |"" | }function text1(){"Full Employment" | }function D(){"Full Employment" |"3 sheds, 425 crab puffs" | }function J(){"Full Employment" |"9 sheds, 200 crab puffs" | }function text2(){"Unemployment" | }function L(){"Unemployment" |"3 sheds, 200 crab puffs" | }function text3(){"Unattainable" | }function M(){"Unattainable" |"9 sheds, 425 crab puffs" | } |

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