January 14, 2025 

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GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES: Spending by the government sector including both the purchase of final goods and services, or gross domestic product, and transfer payments. Government expenditures are used by the government sector to undertake key functions, such as national defense and education. These expenditures are financed with a combination of taxes and borrowing.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at a flea market wanting to buy either a solid oak entertainment center or a remote controlled ceiling fan. Be on the lookout for letters from the Internal Revenue Service.
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There were no banks in colonial America before the U.S. Revolutionary War. Anyone seeking a loan did so from another individual.
"You don't have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things - to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals."

-- Sir Edmund Hillary, Explorer

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