September 17, 2024 

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NORRIS-LAGUARDIA ACT: A Congressional act passed in 1932 that outlawed the use of yellow-dog contracts by employers and made it more difficult for firms to use legal injunctions against labor unions. This act strengthened labor related provisions of the Clayton Act and foreshadowed the more favorable attitude toward labor unions under the ensuing Roosevelt administration.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time wandering around the downtown area looking to buy either a how-to book on home remodeling or a tall storage cabinet with five shelves and a secure lock. Be on the lookout for florescent light bulbs that hum folk songs from the sixties.
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One of the largest markets for gold in the United States is the manufacturing of class rings.
"As the births of living creatures at first are ill-shapen, so are all innovations, which are the births of time. "

-- Sir Francis Bacon, philosopher

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