January 24, 2025 

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LONG RUN: In terms of the macroeconomic analysis of the aggregate market, a period of time in which all prices, especially wages, are flexible, and have achieved their equilibrium levels. In terms of the microeconomic analysis of production and supply, a period of time in which all inputs in the production process are variable.

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CAPACITY UTILIZATION RATE: The ratio of actual production by business sector factories and other productive establishments in the economy to the potential production of these establishments. This rate indicates if our economy's factories are being used as effectively and as fully as possible. Like the unemployment rate, the capacity utilization rate measures how close our economy is to full employment. And like unemployment, this rate moves up and down over the course of a business cycle. During expansions, the rate is near 85 percent (considered full employment), and during contractions, it tends to be in the 70 percent range. In addition to an overall rate, there are also separate rates for manufacturing, mining, and utility industries.

     See also | production | business sector | economy | employment | unemployment | unemployment rate | full employment | expansion | contraction | factory |

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CAPACITY UTILIZATION RATE, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 24, 2025].

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A graphical connection between the total product curve and the average product curve stating that the slope of a line between the origin and any point on the total product curve is equal to the average product. Imagine a ray shooting from the origin and hitting the total product curve. As this ray hits each point on the curve, remaining anchored at the origin, the slope of the ray changes, and the slope of this ray is average product.

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A communal society, a prime component of Karl Marx's communist philosophy, was advocated by the Greek philosophy Plato.
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