AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR: Started as a collection of craft unions in 1886, this is now one half of the umbrella organization for labor unions in the United States (the AFL part of AFL-CIO). As a collection of craft unions, the AFL primarily represented skilled workers in particular occupations. However, it also contained unions representing unskilled industrial workers, which led to a rift among AFL members in 1938 and spawned the formation of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). This rift was closed in 1955, when both joined together to form the AFL-CIO, which is the primary advocate for workers and labor unions in the United States.
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INNOVATION The initial application of new products, technologies, and ideas that usually generate a beneficial improvement in society and the economy. In contrast to an invention, which is the act of creation, an innovation is the implementation of a product, technology, or idea. Innovations are changes in existing institutions and the status quo, prompted by risk-taking entrepreneurs, that promote prosperity and improved living standards.
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Creating WEALTH Wealth -- what is it and how do you get it? Perhaps one of those home business franchises that sell cleaning products, housewares, or perfume can be your source of financial independence. And, as evidenced by those late-night infomercials, the always lucrative area of real estate investment is almost certain to turn you into a gadzillionaire by next Thursday. Or perhaps tinkering in the financial markets with penny stocks, gold futures, or silver options is more your cup of tea. (My personal favorite is the Darling Donna's Chimney Sweep outfit that gives you the opportunity for a meaningful career in the high-profile field of chimney maintenance products.) The question for today is: Are any of these get-rich-quick schemes better than buying a lottery ticket?
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at a flea market seeking to buy either a coffee cup commemorating the 1960 Presidential election or a how-to book on fixing your computer, with illustrations. Be on the lookout for the happiest person in the room. Your Complete Scope
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One of the largest markets for gold in the United States is the manufacturing of class rings.
"It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly. " -- Isaac Asimov
BACS Bankers Automated Clearing Services
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