September 9, 2024 

AmosWEB means Economics with a Touch of Whimsy!

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AFC: The abbreviation for average fixed cost, which is fixed cost per unit of output, found by dividing total fixed cost by the quantity of output. Average fixed cost is one of three related cost averages. The other two are average variable cost and avarage total cost. Average fixed cost decreases with larger quantities of output. Because fixed cost is FIXED and does not change with the quantity of output, a given cost is spread more thinly per unit as quantity increases. A thousand dollars of fixed cost averages out to $10 per unit if only 100 units are produced. But if 10,000 units are produced, then the average shrinks to a mere 10 cents per unit.

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There are 47 entries in the GLOSS*arama starting with the letter H.

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Non-consumption expenditures on aggregate production. The three aggregate expenditures grouped under the heading of injections are investment expenditures, government purchases and exports. Injections add to the core circular flow containing consumption, production, and income. The injections-leakages model is a Keynesian economics analysis that combines injections with leakages (saving, taxes, and imports) to identify the equilibrium level of aggregate production and income.

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In the discussion of recession we see that one of the problems confronting both pedestrians and the economy is stepping in an occasional pothole. These potholes are usually small and do little damage. Every now and then, however, our economy falls face first into one humdinger of pothole that's big enough to swallow the better part of a marching band. Rather than a mere recessionary pothole, these are best thought of as depressionary canyons. The Great Depression of the 1930s was the most memorable depressionary canyon on record for the good old U. S. of A. The question we need to ponder over the next few pages is: Are there any more depressionary canyons like the 1930s lurking along the economic pavement?
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time touring the new suburban shopping complex hoping to buy either a birthday greeting card for your mother that doesn't look like a greeting card or a handcrafted spice rack. Be on the lookout for telephone calls from former employers.
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The portion of aggregate output U.S. citizens pay in taxes (30%) is less than the other six leading industrialized nations -- Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, or Japan.
"Do not wait; the time will never be just right "

-- Napoleon Hill, author

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