LABOR SLOWDOWN: A technique used by workers, generally labor union members, who reduce their productivity in an attempt to achieve a particular goal or objective. The goal pursued tends to be relatively minor, such as better lighting, and thus not worth engaging in a formal strike.
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INFLATION PROBLEMS Two notable problems are associated with inflation--uncertainty and haphazard redistribution. Inflation, especially inflation that varies from month to month and year to year, makes long-term planning quite difficult. Prices, wages, taxes, interest rates, and other nominal values that enter into consumer, business, and government planning decisions can be significantly affected by inflation. Moreover, inflation tends to redistribute income and wealth in a haphazard manner--some people win and some people lose. This redistribution might not be that desired by society, failing to promote any of the basic economic goals of efficiency, equity, stability, growth, or full-employment.
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My Sales Pitch On ADVERTISING Our extended sojourn through the winding complexities of the economy has worn the soles from my jogging shoes. For the best bargain on a new pair, let's consult those annoying flyers stuffed into the Sunday newspaper. We're in luck. The Mega-Mart Discount Warehouse Super Center is having their monthly "once in a lifetime" sale on jogging shoes. Without this Mega-Mart Discount Warehouse Super Center advertising supplement, I might have unknowingly paid a higher price for my brand new Fleet Feet Footwear jogging shoes. Isn't advertising wonderful?
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time strolling through a department store hoping to buy either a coffee table shaped like the state of Florida or storage boxes for your summer clothes. Be on the lookout for telephone calls from former employers. Your Complete Scope
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North Carolina supplied all the domestic gold coined for currency by the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia until 1828.
"It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly. " -- Isaac Asimov
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization
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