September 17, 2024 

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RISK NEUTRAL: A person who values a certain income the same as an equal amount of income that involves risk or uncertainty. Let's say that you're given two options--(A) a guaranteed $1,000 or (b) a 50-50 chance of getting either $500 or $1,500. If you don't really care which option you chose, because both options have the same "expected" values, then you're risk neutral.

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NATIONAL INCOME AND GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT: National income (NI) is the total income earned by the citizens of the national economy resulting from their ownership of resources used in the production of final goods and services during a given period of time, usually one year. Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total market value of all final goods and services produced within the political boundaries of an economy during a given period of time, usually a year. Although national income is generated by the production of gross domestic product, the value of production does not entirely result in earned income. In other words, national income can be derived from gross domestic product after a few adjustments.

     See also | national income and net domestic product | capital consumption adjustment | indirect business taxes | net foreign factor income | business transfer payments | statistical discrepancy | government subsidies less current surplus of government enterprises |

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NATIONAL INCOME AND GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 17, 2024].

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WEB*pedia: national income and gross domestic product

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A curve illustrating the relation between the marginal utility obtained from consuming an additional unit of good and the quantity of the good consumed. The negative slope of the marginal utility curve reflects the law of diminishing marginal utility. The marginal utility curve also can be used to derived the demand curve.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time searching the newspaper want ads wanting to buy either a weathervane with a horse on top or a case of blank recordable DVDs. Be on the lookout for rusty deck screws.
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Rosemary, long associated with remembrance, was worn as wreaths by students in ancient Greece during exams.
"As the births of living creatures at first are ill-shapen, so are all innovations, which are the births of time. "

-- Sir Francis Bacon, philosopher

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