LABOR FORCE: The total number of people willing and able to exert mental and/or physical efforts in productive activities. In principle, this is everyone 16 years of age and over who is willing and able to work. In practice, it includes the sum of anyone over 16 years who is employed or unemployed but actively seeking a job. The labor force is essentially a more technical term for the economy's labor supply.
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BALANCE OF SERVICES: The difference between funds received by a country when exporting services and the funds paid for importing services. The balance of services is one part of the current accounts portion of the balance of payments, the other is major part is the balance of trade. The balance of services is very much like the merchandise balance of trade, excepct intangible services are being exported and imported rather than tangible goods. Like the balance of trade, the balance of services can be out of balance. A balance of services surplus results if service exports exceed imports, also termed a favorable balance of services, and a balance of services deficit exists if service imports exceed exports, analogously termed an unfavorable balance of services. See also | foreign trade | balance of trade | balance of payments | service | international finance |  Recommended Citation:BALANCE OF SERVICES, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama, http://www.AmosWEB.com, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: February 6, 2025].
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IMPLICIT LOGROLLING The trading of votes to ensure a favorable outcome for two or more separate decisions undertaken by combined both decisions into a single vote. Commonly practiced in legislative bodies, implicit logrolling occurs when two separate programs or policies are combined into a single package, which is then subject to a single vote. The contrast is with explicit logrolling in which each of two voters agree to cast separate votes for two separate programs. Whether implicit or explicit, logrolling is generally used when neither decision is able to obtain the necessary majority of the votes needed for passage on their own accord.
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