INDUSTRY: A group of firms producing goods or services that are close substitutes-in-consumption. The similarity of the products makes it possible to analyze the production in a market framework. An industry can be broadly defined, such as the manufacturing industry, or narrowly specified, such as the root beer industry. For most economic analysis the term industry is used interchangeably with the term market.
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NONPRICE COMPETITION: A method of competition undertaken by firms in the same market (typically oligopoly firms) that involves advertising, brand-name promotion, support services, illegal activities, and everything but the price. Oligopoly firms are quite prone to nonprice competition due to the interdependence, especially such as that illustrated by the kinked-demand curve. Because oligopoly firms find difficulty competing through prices, they seek out alternative methods of competition, such as advertising or sabotage. See also | oligopoly | competition among the few | advertising | interdependence | kinked-demand curve | Recommended Citation:NONPRICE COMPETITION, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama, http://www.AmosWEB.com, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 15, 2025].
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PHYSICAL WEALTH, AGGREGATE DEMAND DETERMINANT One of several specific aggregate demand determinants assumed constant when the aggregate demand curve is constructed, and that shifts the aggregate demand curve when it changes. An increase in the physical wealth causes a decrease (leftward shift) of the aggregate curve. A decrease in the physical wealth causes an increase (rightward shift) of the aggregate curve. Other notable aggregate demand determinants include interest rates, federal deficit, inflationary expectations, and the money supply.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at a dollar discount store wanting to buy either a pair of handcrafted oven mitts or a coffee table shaped like the state of Florida. Be on the lookout for slightly overweight pizza delivery guys. Your Complete Scope
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A scripophilist is one who collects rare stock and bond certificates, usually from extinct companies.
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