AGGREGATE DEMAND DETERMINANTS: An assortment of ceteris paribus factors that affect aggregate demand, but which are assumed constant when the aggregate demand curve is constructed. Changes in any of the aggregate demand determinants cause the aggregate demand curve to shift. While a wide variety of specific ceteris paribus factors can cause the aggregate demand curve to shift, it's usually most convenient to group them into the four, broad expenditure categories -- consumption, investment, government purchases, and net exports. The reason is that changes in these expenditures are the direct cause of shifts in the aggregate demand curve. If any determinant affects aggregate demand it MUST affect one of these four expenditures.
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LABOR AGREEMENT: A formal, official, legal contract between a firm and the labor union representing the firm's employees. Such an agreement stipulates the various aspects of employment, including wages, fringe benefits, vacations, layoffs, promotions, and grievance procedures. The terms of the agreement are generally negotiated through the collective bargaining process. Should the collective bargaining process breakdown, the terms of the labor agreement might be helped along through a third-party mediator. If this doesn't help, then the labor union might call a strike or the firm might impose a lockout. Once in effect, any questions about the terms of the agreement are often subject to arbitration. See also | labor union | collective bargaining | Taft-Hartley Act | National Labor Relations Act | bilateral monopoly | mediation | strike | lockout | arbitration | Recommended Citation:LABOR AGREEMENT, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama, http://www.AmosWEB.com, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 20, 2024].
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AGGREGATE DEMAND AND MARKET DEMAND The aggregate demand curve, or AD curve, has similarities to, but differences from, the standard market demand curve. Both are negatively sloped. Both relate price and quantity. However, the market demand curve is negatively sloped because of the income and substitution effects and the aggregate demand curve is negatively sloped because of the real-balance, interest-rate, and net-export effects.
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