September 9, 2024 

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WEALTH DISTRIBUTION: The manner in which wealth is divided among the members of the economy. A perfectly equal wealth distribution would mean everyone in the country has exactly the same wealth. In reality, wealth is unequally distributed. A few people have a great deal of wealth and most others have less. Any well-functioning economy, that's doing a pretty good job of satisfying consumer wants and needs, will have some degree of inequality in the distribution of wealth. This occurs because some people have done a good job of producing what people want, and thus grow wealthy. However, wealth tends to perpetuate itself, over and above what may be justified by valuable production. Along with wealth comes market control, political power, and the ability to accumulate more wealth at the expense of others.

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MARKET EQUILIBRIUM, GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS: An analysis of market equilibrium using a graph that combines a demand curve and a supply curve. A graphical analysis of the market is used to ascertain information such as market equilibrium, equilibrium price, equilibrium quantity, shortage, and surplus. This is one of two basic methods of analyzing market equilibrium. The other is a numerical analysis using demand and supply schedules.

     See also | market equilibrium | equilibrium | market equilibrium, numerical analysis | equilibrium price | equilibrium quantity | market clearing | shortage | surplus |

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MARKET EQUILIBRIUM, GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 9, 2024].

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One of two (or more) goods that are simultaneously produced using a given resource. A complement-in-production is one of two alternatives falling within the other prices determinant of supply. The other is a substitute-in-production. An increase in the price of one complement good causes an increase in supply for the other.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at the confiscated property police auction trying to buy either a coffee cup commemorating yesterday or a replacement remote control for your television. Be on the lookout for celebrities who speak directly to you through your television.
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During the American Revolution, the price of corn rose 10,000 percent, the price of wheat 14,000 percent, the price of flour 15,000 percent, and the price of beef 33,000 percent.
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-- Napoleon Hill, author

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