January 18, 2025 

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RISK AVERSE: A person who values a certain income more than an equal amount of income that involves risk or uncertainty. To illustrate, let's say that you're given two options--(A) a guaranteed $1,000 or (b) a 50-50 chance of getting either $500 or $1,500. If you chose option A, then you're risk averse. Both options give you the same "expected" values. In other words, if you select option B a few hundred times, then your average amount over those few hundred times is $1,000.

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NATIONAL INCOME: The total income earned by the citizens of the national economy as a result of their ownership of resources used in the production of final goods and services during a given period of time, usually one year. This is the government's official measure of how much income is generated by the economy. National income, generally abbreviated as NI, is the broadest, most comprehensive of three income measures reported quarterly (every three months) in the National Income and Product Accounts by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

     See also | income | resources | production | personal income | disposable income | gross domestic product | net domestic product | National Income and Product Accounts | Bureau of Economic Analysis |

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NATIONAL INCOME, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 18, 2025].

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The condition in which resources are more actively engaged in the production of goods and services than they are willing and able to at current prices. This condition is most important for short-run macroeconomic activity and short-run aggregate market analysis. In particular, overemployment is a key reason for the positive slope of the short-run aggregate supply curve. Overemployment is a primary reason the macroeconomy is able to produce MORE than full-employment production in the short run.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time flipping through the yellow pages looking to buy either a how-to book on surfing the Internet or a computer that can play music and burn CDs. Be on the lookout for slightly overweight pizza delivery guys.
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Rosemary, long associated with remembrance, was worn as wreaths by students in ancient Greece during exams.
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