September 16, 2024 

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LEAKAGE LINE: A line used in the injection-leakage model representing the relation between non-consumption uses of income (that is, leakages) and national income. The three leakages are saving, taxes, and imports. The foundation of the leakages line is the saving line, which is then enhanced by adding taxes and imports. The other part of the injection-leakage model is a line representing injections. The intersection of the injection and leakage lines identifies equilibrium aggregate output, or Keynesian equilibrium.

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NOMINAL WAGE: The market wage paid to labor stated in current prices. This is the actual wage received by labor for performing productive work. The contrast is with real wage, which is nominal wage adjusted for inflation. Nominal wage is comparable to other nominals, including nominal gross domestic product.

     See also | wage | real wage | market | inflation | nominal | real |

Recommended Citation:

NOMINAL WAGE, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 16, 2024].

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A basic precondition or assumption underlying a theory. Axioms are basic, unverifiable world view assumptions--including personal beliefs, political views, and cultural values--that form the foundation of a theory.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at a flea market looking to buy either a flower arrangement with a lot of roses for your grandmother or a wall poster commemorating the first day of winter. Be on the lookout for gnomes hiding in cypress trees.
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Approximately three-fourths of the U.S. paper currency in circular contains traces of cocaine.
"You need just the right amount of ambition . . . If you have too little ambition, you don't push or work hard. If you have too much ambition, you put yourself ahead of others, elbow them out of your way. "

-- Andy Grove, Intel chairman and co-founder

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