RATIONAL IGNORANCE: The decision not to become informed about something because the cost of doing it is more than the expected benefit. In that information is costly, there's always some limit to how much anyone can know. The idea of rational ignorance, while popping up on a daily basis for most of us, is quite important come election time. Many voters decided, logically so, that it's not really worth their efforts to get ALL of the details on every candidate and issue on the ballot.
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MARKET SHARE The fraction of an industry's total sales or some other activity accounted for by one or more firms in the industry. An individual firm is often concerned with its "share of the market" as an indication of "success." Market share is also key to the analysis of market structure, market control, and industry concentration--especially for oligopoly. It can be used to indicated the degree concentration and market control of one or more firms in an industry. It can be used alone or to calculate concentration ratios and the Herfindahl index.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at the confiscated property police auction looking to buy either a rechargeable battery for your camera or a coffee cup commemorating the first day of spring. Be on the lookout for broken fingernail clippers. Your Complete Scope
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Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.
"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours." -- Richard Bach
CARIFTA Caribbean Free Trade Association
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