COMMON MARKET: An agreement among two or more nations to eliminate trade restrictions with each other, to adopt a common trade policy with other nations, and to allow free movement of resources among their countries. There is, however, no effort to adopt common monetary or fiscal policies. This is considered the third of four levels of integration among nations. Customs union, economic union, and free-trade area are the other three levels.
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ACCOUNTING PROFIT The difference between the revenue received by a firm and the explicit accounting cost incurred. This is the profit listed on a firm's balance sheet, appears periodically in the financial sector of the newspaper, and is reported to the Internal Revenue Service for tax purposes. While accounting profit is the "standard" designation of profit used in the business world, economists prefer to use economic profit
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PINK FADFLY [What's This?]
Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time waiting for visits from door-to-door solicitors looking to buy either several magazines on computer software or a T-shirt commemorating the second moon landing. Be on the lookout for strangers with large satchels of used undergarments. Your Complete Scope
This isn't me! What am I?
Helping spur the U.S. industrial revolution, Thomas Edison patented nearly 1300 inventions, 300 of which came out of his Menlo Park "invention factory" during a four-year period.
"I can feel guilty about the past, apprehensive about the future, but only in the present can I act." -- Abraham Maslow, Psychologist
ANOVA Analysis of Variance
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