September 16, 2024 

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LABOR: One of the four basic categories of resources, or factors of production (the other three are capital, land, and entrepreneurship). Labor is the services and efforts of humans that are used for production. While labor is commonly thought of as those who work in factories, it includes all human efforts (except entrepreneurship), such as those provided by clerical workers, technicians, professionals, managers, and even company presidents.

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THREE QUESTIONS OF ALLOCATION: The three basic questions that an economy must answer because of limited resources and unlimited wants and needs are: What? How? and For Whom? The basic problem of scarcity requires every society to determine: What goods to produce? How to produce the goods? and Who receives the goods that are produced?

     See also | scarcity | efficiency | allocation | What? | How? | For Whom | limited resources | unlimited wants and needs |

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THREE QUESTIONS OF ALLOCATION, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 16, 2024].

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A buyer or seller that possess sufficient market control to affect the price of the good. From the selling side of the market, a monopoly is the best example of a price maker. From the buying side of the market, a monopsony is also a price maker. This is one of two alternatives related to control over price. The other is price taker. Price maker is also termed price setter.

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Sixty percent of big-firm executives said the cover letter is as important or more important than the resume itself when you're looking for a new job
"You need just the right amount of ambition . . . If you have too little ambition, you don't push or work hard. If you have too much ambition, you put yourself ahead of others, elbow them out of your way. "

-- Andy Grove, Intel chairman and co-founder

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