September 18, 2024 

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APC: The abbreviation for average propensity to consume, which is the proportion of income, usually measured as disposable income or national income, used for household consumption expenditures. It is found by dividing consumption by income. The average propensity to consume, abbreviated APC, most often pops up in discussions of Keynesian economics. The average propensity to consume is the average amount of total household income that is devoted consumption expenditures.

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EFFICIENCY: Obtaining the most possible satisfaction from a given amount of resources. Efficiency for our economy is achieved when we can not increase our satisfaction of wants and needs by producing more of one good and less of another. This is one of the five economic goals, specifically one of the two micro goals (the other being equity).

     See also | scarcity | satisfaction | resources | economic goals | micro goals | equity | macro goals | competitive market | market failure | market control | demand price | supply price | opportunity cost |

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EFFICIENCY, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 18, 2024].

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The satisfaction of wants and needs provided by the direct consumption of goods and services. Acquiring value from the use of goods and services is really the ultimate goal of economic activity. It is the final step in the production, allocation, and consumption activities that are undertaken to address the fundamental problem of scarcity. Value in use should be contrasted with the similar phrase, value in exchange.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time lost in your local discount super center trying to buy either a set of tires or a birthday gift for your grandfather. Be on the lookout for infected paper cuts.
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General Electric is the only stock from the original 1896 Dow Jones Industrial Average remaining in the current index.
"When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all. "

-- Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US president

Marginal Propensity to Invest
A PEDestrian's Guide
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