INCOME RECEIVED BUT NOT EARNED: Abbreviate IRBNE, this is income received by the household sector, but not earned by a factor of production. The three types of income received but not earned are Social Security payments, unemployment compensation payments, and welfare payments. These are also the three key transfer payments from the government sector to the household sector. The basic goal of transfer payments is to transfer a portion of the income earned by the factors of production (because they HAVE income) to other members of the household sector (who presumably NEED more income than they have). IRBNE is added to national income to derive personal income.
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RATIONAL ABSTENTION The decision NOT to do something (such as vote in an election) because the cost of taking the action is more than the expected benefit. The rational decision to refrain from an endeavor is a straightforward application of utility maximization and along with the related notion of rational ignorance, is a source of voter apathy and government inefficiency.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at a dollar discount store wanting to buy either a pair of handcrafted oven mitts or a coffee table shaped like the state of Florida. Be on the lookout for slightly overweight pizza delivery guys. Your Complete Scope
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Two and a half gallons of oil are needed to produce one automobile tire.
"My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win out." -- President Ronald Reagan
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