May 2, 2024 

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MARGINAL COST: The change in total cost (or total variable cost) resulting from a change in the quantity of output produced by a firm in the short run. Marginal cost indicates how much total cost changes for a give change in the quantity of output. Because changes in total cost are matched by changes in total variable cost in the short run (remember total fixed cost is fixed), marginal cost is the change in either total cost or total variable cost. Marginal cost, usually abbreviated MC, is found by dividing the change in total cost (or total variable cost) by the change in output.

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In The Neighborhood Of IMMIGRATION

Few pedestrians would argue that the Republic of Northwest Queoldiola is anything but a quaint and courteous country. The Northwest Queoldiolans have a cute habit of wearing those little hats with the squirrel tail hanging from the back. They also manufacture the best sundials that money can buy. As a tourist mecca, there's nothing quainter or more courteous than the Republic of Northwest Queoldiola. But, as you may have noticed during our pedestrian trek, several Queoldiolans have decided to pursue permanent residence, and presumably U. S. citizenship, right here Shady Valley. They have undertaken the age old process of immigration. BUT WHY SHADY VALLEY? These Queoldiolans have some pretty darn peculiar habits. While we're all found of sundials, they've raise fondness to a religious fervor. Their clothing is, to put it mildly, pretty darn peculiar. The worst part of it -- they're willing to work cheap!
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[What's This?]

Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time flipping through mail order catalogs wanting to buy either a large, stuffed kitty cat or a cross-cut paper shredder. Be on the lookout for a thesaurus filled with typos.
Your Complete Scope

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The first "Black Friday" on record, a friday marked by a major financial catastrophe, occurred on September 24, 1869 -- A FRIDAY -- when an attempted cornering of the gold market induced a financial crises and economy-wide depression.
"Leadership is based on inspiration, not domination; on cooperation, not intimidation. "

-- William A. Ward

Gross Domestic Product
A PEDestrian's Guide
Xtra Credit
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