TOTAL FIXED COST CURVE: A curve that graphically represents the relation between total fixed cost incurred by a firm in the short-run product of a good or service and the quantity produced. This curve is constructed to capture the relation between total fixed cost and the level of output, holding other variables, like technology and resource prices, constant. Because total fixed cost are, in fact, fixed, the total fixed cost curve is, in fact, a horizontal line.
Visit the GLOSS*arama
Pumping Up The ECONOMIC GROWTH We need to pay another visit to Scarcity Stan's Ye Olde Bakery Shoppe and Confectionery Palace. But this is not a social visit, nor is intended for some delectable pastries that will add a few extra pounds to our waistlines. We're here on official economic business. Stan's at wits end. He doesn't know what to do. There's been so much demand for his economic pie, what with society's unlimited wants and needs, that he needs to make it bigger. Our job is to figure out how. While we're doing that, we'll also see how to put our economy on the path to economic growth.
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Visit the PEDestrian's Guide
Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time looking for a downtown retail store wanting to buy either a flower arrangement with anything but tulips for your grandfather or a birthday greeting card for your mother that doesn't look like a greeting card. Be on the lookout for mail order catalogs with hidden messages. Your Complete Scope
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In the Middle Ages, pepper was used for bartering, and it was often more valuable and stable in value than gold.
"You don't have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things - to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals." -- Sir Edmund Hillary, Explorer
AACCLA Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America
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