HEDONIC PRICE: The notion that the price of good is based on an assortment of characteristics that are both intrinsic to the good itself and external to the good. Hedonic pricing is commonly applied to the housing market in which the price of housing is based on the physical characteristics of the house (size, appearance, features) and the surrounding neighborhood (accessibility to schools and shopping, quality of other houses, availability of public services). Estimating hedonic prices makes it possible to identify the extent to which specific factors affect the price.
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Gambling On A State LOTTERY You might recall during our discussion of gambling in the entry appropriately titled gambling, that I purchased $5 worth of Super Luck-O Multi-State Lottery tickets at the Master's Sprocket convenience store. Well, the day of the big drawing came and went. I was about as close to winning as the planet Pluto is to buying a Hot Mamma Fudge Bananarama Ice Cream Sundae on a cold winter morning. At least the five dollars I paid for lottery tickets goes to a good cause. The state uses a share of the proceeds for education, and that keeps my taxes lower. If you'll excuse me for a moment, I've got another ten bucks in my pocket screaming for the chance to by some more Super Luck-O Multi-State Lottery tickets. While I'm doing that, why don't you see if this is a wise consumption move on my part.
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GRAY SKITTERY [What's This?]
Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time strolling around a discount warehouse buying club seeking to buy either a flower arrangement in a coffee cup for your father or a how-to book on meeting people. Be on the lookout for the last item on a shelf. Your Complete Scope
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One of the largest markets for gold in the United States is the manufacturing of class rings.
"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine." -- Anthony J. D'Angelo
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