January 14, 2025 

AmosWEB means Economics with a Touch of Whimsy!

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ANNUAL: A standard 12-month period, or one year, used for reporting economic and financial data. Gross Domestic Product and related measures are noted economic data released annually. Many businesses also provide annual financial reports. Another standard reporting period is the quarter.

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The hazards of being a pedestrian are many. Of course we have a good chance of crossing paths with a rabid bengal tiger that has highjacked a street cleaner and intends to whitewash every pair of jogging shoes encountered. Or a throng of overzealous religious fanatics might try to slip fresh flowers into our hands and literature into our pockets. And especially when we amble through the financial district, we might be crushed by falling stock market investors who have mistakenly BOUGHT HIGH and SOLD LOW. While the actions of the bengal tiger and overzealous religious fanatics might be understandable, what's so almighty important about the stock market that would make investors place the well-being of innocent pedestrians in jeopardy?
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time browsing through a long list of dot com websites looking to buy either a 200-foot blue garden hose or a video camera with stop action features. Be on the lookout for mail order catalogs with hidden messages.
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During the American Revolution, the price of corn rose 10,000 percent, the price of wheat 14,000 percent, the price of flour 15,000 percent, and the price of beef 33,000 percent.
"You don't have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things - to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals."

-- Sir Edmund Hillary, Explorer

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