September 19, 2024 

AmosWEB means Economics with a Touch of Whimsy!

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AFC: The abbreviation for average fixed cost, which is fixed cost per unit of output, found by dividing total fixed cost by the quantity of output. Average fixed cost is one of three related cost averages. The other two are average variable cost and avarage total cost. Average fixed cost decreases with larger quantities of output. Because fixed cost is FIXED and does not change with the quantity of output, a given cost is spread more thinly per unit as quantity increases. A thousand dollars of fixed cost averages out to $10 per unit if only 100 units are produced. But if 10,000 units are produced, then the average shrinks to a mere 10 cents per unit.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time flipping through mail order catalogs looking to buy either a wall poster commemorating yesterday or pink cotton balls. Be on the lookout for the last item on a shelf.
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Much of the $15 million used by the United States to finance the Louisiana Purchase from France was borrowed from European banks.
"No amount of business school training or work experience can teach what is ultimately a matter of personal character. "

-- Truett Cathy, Chick-fil-A Inc. founder

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