NDP: The abbreviation for net domestic product, which is the total market value of all final goods and services produced within the political boundaries of an economy during a given period of time, usually a year, after adjusting for the depreciation of capital. Net domestic product, usually abbreviated NDP, is one of five key National Income and Product Accounts measures reported regularly (every three months) by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The other four measures are gross domestic product, national income, personal income, and disposable income. Net domestic product has largely replaced a comparable term, net national production.
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BALANCE ON MERCHANDISE TRADE A subset of the balance of payments current account that records the difference between the payments received for exports of goods to other nations and the payments made for the imports of goods from other nations. The goods included are physical or tangible goods, but not intangible services. The balance on merchandise trade is thus appropriately divided into merchandise exported and merchandise imported. Two other subsets of the current account include the balance on services and unilateral transfers. The commonly termed balance of trade is the sum of the balance on merchandise trade and the balance on services.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time touring the new suburban shopping complex hoping to buy either a Boston Red Sox baseball cap or a square lamp shade with frills along the bottom. Be on the lookout for neighborhood pets, especially belligerent parrots. Your Complete Scope
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A thousand years before metal coins were developed, clay tablet "checks" were used as money by the Babylonians.
"As the births of living creatures at first are ill-shapen, so are all innovations, which are the births of time. " -- Sir Francis Bacon, philosopher
NEDO National Economic Development Office
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