FINANCIAL WEALTH, AGGREGATE EXPENDITURES DETERMINANT: One of several specific aggregate expenditures determinants assumed constant when the aggregate expenditures line is constructed, and that shifts the aggregate expenditures line when it changes. An increase in financial wealth causes an increase (upward shift) of the aggregate expenditures line. A decrease in financial wealth causes a decrease (downward shift) of the aggregate expenditures line. Other notable aggregate expenditures determinants include consumer confidence, federal deficit, inflationary expectations, and exchange rates.
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FACTOR SUPPLY CURVE A graphical representation of the relation between the price to a factor of production and quantity of the factor supplied, holding all ceteris paribus factor supply determinants constant. The factor supply curve is one half of the factor market. The other half is the factor demand curve.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time browsing about a thrift store trying to buy either software that won't crash your computer or any book written by Stephan King. Be on the lookout for neighborhood pets, especially belligerent parrots. Your Complete Scope
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A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court!
"An idea is never given to you without you being given the power to make it reality." -- Richard Bach, Author
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