January 25, 2025 

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UNIT ELASTIC: An elasticity alternative in which any percentage change in price cause an equal percentage change in quantity. In other words, any change in price, whether big or small, triggers exactly the same percentage change in quantity. Unit elastic should be compared with other elasticity alternatives--perfectly elastic, perfectly inelastic, relatively elastic, and relatively inelastic.

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CIRCULAR FLOW: The continuous movement of production, income, and resources between producers and consumers. This flow moves through product markets as the gross domestic product of our economy and is then the revenue received by the business sector in payment for this production. This stream of revenue then flows through resource markets as payments by businesses for the resources employed in production. The payments received by resource owners, however, is nothing more than the income of the household sector. The resource owners of the household sector use this income to purchase goods and services through the product markets, coming full circle to where we began.

     See also | production | consumption | income | resources | product markets | resource markets | financial markets | business sector | household sector | government sector | foreign sector | investment | saving | government purchases | exports | imports |

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CIRCULAR FLOW, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 25, 2025].

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The process in which banks increase the amount of funds in checkable deposits (and thus the M1 money supply) by using reserves to make loans. Money creation is made possible through fractional-reserve banking. Because banks keep only a fraction of deposits as reserves, extra reserves can be used to back up and create additional checkable deposits (money) that did not previously exist. Government policy makers (the Federal Reserve System) rely on the money creation process when conducting monetary policy. Money creation by banks is a modern alternative to printing paper currency.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time searching for a specialty store wanting to buy either a birthday gift for your mother or a weathervane with a horse on top. Be on the lookout for pencil sharpeners with an attitude.
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In the early 1900s around 300 automobile companies operated in the United States.
"The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. the You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover will be yourself."

-- Alan Alda, Actor

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