TAX RATE: The percent of the tax base that is collected as tax. The tax rate can be a flat, or proportional, rate, meaning it is a constant percent of the tax base regardless of the size or value of the base. Or the tax rate can change as the tax base changes. If the tax rate increases, the tax is progressive. If the tax rate decreases, the tax is regressive.
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MARGINAL BENEFIT OF SEARCH The incremental benefit generated by additional search effort is the marginal benefit of search. Marginal benefit of search, also termed marginal search benefit, is comparable to marginal revenue of short-run production analysis and marginal utility of consumer demand theory. Marginal benefit of search decreases with an increase in search effort and is represented by the marginal benefit of search curve. This is one half of the efficient information search decision. The other is marginal cost of search.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at a crowded estate auction wanting to buy either a New York Yankees baseball cap or several magazines on home repairs. Be on the lookout for letters from the Internal Revenue Service. Your Complete Scope
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Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen were the 1st Nobel Prize winners in Economics in 1969.
"An idea is never given to you without you being given the power to make it reality." -- Richard Bach, Author
BPEA Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
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