TC: The abbreviation for total cost, which is the opportunity cost incurred by all of the factors of production used by a firm to produce of a good or service, including wages paid to labor, rent paid for the land, interest paid to capital owners, and a normal profit paid to entrepreneurs. Total cost is most important in the analysis a firm's short-run production decision and is frequently separated into total variable cost and total fixed cost.
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SLOPE, NET EXPORTS LINE: The negative slope of the net exports line is based on the marginal propensity to import (MPM). Because net exports are exports minus imports, the induced change in imports causes an opposite change in net exports. As such, the slope of the net exports line is negative, less than zero (but greater than negative one). The slope of the net exports line affects the slope of the aggregate expenditures line and thus also affects the magnitude of the multiplier process. See also | net exports line | intercept, net exports line | consumption line | slope, consumption line | slope, investment line | slope, net exports line | induced net exports | autonomous net exports | marginal propensity to import |  Recommended Citation:SLOPE, NET EXPORTS LINE, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama, http://www.AmosWEB.com, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: February 11, 2025]. AmosWEB Encyclonomic WEB*pedia:Additional information on this term can be found at: WEB*pedia: slope, net exports line
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MARGINAL PHYSICAL PRODUCT The change in the quantity of total physical product resulting from a unit change in a variable input, keeping all other inputs unchanged. Marginal physical product, usually abbreviated MPP, is found by dividing the change in total physical product by the change in the variable input. Marginal physical product, which more often goes by the name marginal product (MP), is one of two measures derived from total physical product. The other is average physical product.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time going from convenience store to convenience store seeking to buy either one of those memory foam pillows or a remote controlled train set. Be on the lookout for pencil sharpeners with an attitude. Your Complete Scope
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Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen were the 1st Nobel Prize winners in Economics in 1969.
"I can feel guilty about the past, apprehensive about the future, but only in the present can I act." -- Abraham Maslow, Psychologist
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