January 26, 2025 

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CHANGE IN DEMAND: A shift of the demand curve caused by a change in one of the demand determinants. In essence, a change in demand is caused by any factor affecting demand EXCEPT price. This concept should be contrasted directly with a change in quantity demanded. You should also review the terms change in quantity supplied and change in supply, too. A change in demand is a change in ALL demand price-quantity demanded pairs, meaning that each price is matched up with a different quantity (which is illustrated as a shift of the demand curve). And this change in demand is caused by a change in any of the demand determinants. In contrast, a change in quantity demanded is a change from one price-quantity pair to the another (which is illustrated as a movement along a given demand curve).

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WEIGHT LOSING: An activity in which the transportation cost of the inputs is greater than the transportation cost of the output. Using the term weight to mean transportation cost, an activity is said to lose weight if the cost of getting the inputs to the factory is greater than the cost of moving the output to the market. A weight-losing activity has a greater attraction to, and tends to locate near, the source for the inputs.

     See also | transportation | spatial differentiation | location theory | weight | weight losing | transferrable input | transferrable output |

Recommended Citation:

WEIGHT LOSING, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 26, 2025].

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A shock to the long-run aggregate market caused by a decrease in aggregate supply, resulting in and illustrated by a leftward shift of the long-run aggregate supply curve. A decrease in aggregate supply in the long-run aggregate market results in an increase in the price level and a decrease in real production. The level of real production resulting from the shock is a smaller level of full-employment real production.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time searching for a specialty store seeking to buy either a video camera with stop action features or one of those memory foam pillows. Be on the lookout for jovial bank tellers.
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