VERTICAL AXIS: In a graph, this is one of two lines that intersect at a right angle. This is the 'Y-axis' that runs up and down.
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AXES: Two number lines that are joined at a right angle such that they intersect at their zero points (called the origin). The vertical axis is by convention termed the Y-axes and the horizontal axis is termed the X-axis. These axes are used to locate or plot pairs of numbers in coordinate space, one value for the X-variable coordinate and a corresponding value for the Y-variable coordinate. More often than not, coordinate number pairs are used to plot relationships that can be connected by one or more lines. This line construction procedure is one of the more powerful tools used by economists. Economists typically analyze relationships between two variables, such as price and quantity demanded. By letting one axis measure price and the other measure quantity demanded, these axes form the framework, the guidelines if you will, for constructing a demand curve (the relationship between price and quantity demanded). Once we have an abstract relationship graphed out, then it can be used to perform all sorts of economic analysis. See also | origin | vertical axis | horizontal axis | curve | slope | quantity demanded | demand curve | economic analysis |  Recommended Citation:AXES, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama, http://www.AmosWEB.com, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: February 15, 2025].
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INFLATIONARY GAP, KEYNESIAN MODEL The difference between equilibrium aggregate production achieved in the Keynesian model and full-employment aggregate production that occurs when equilibrium aggregate production is greater than full-employment aggregate production. An inflationary gap, also termed an expansionary gap, is associated with a business-cycle expansion. The prescribed Keynesian remedy for an inflationary gap is contractionary fiscal policy. This is one of two alternative output gaps that can occur when equilibrium generates production that differs from full employment. The other is a recessionary gap.
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