January 18, 2025 

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I: The standard abbreviation for investment expenditures by the business sector, especially when used in the study of macroeconomics. This abbreviation is most often seen in the aggregate expenditure equation, AE = C + I + G + (X - M), where C, G, and (X - M) represent expenditures by the other three macroeconomic sectors, household, business, and foreign.

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An economy, or economic system, that relies exclusively on markets to allocate resources and to answer all three questions of allocation. This theoretical ideal has no governments, markets are used to make all allocation decisions. Then contrasting theoretical ideal is a pure command economy in which governments make all allocation decisions.
Economic Systems
Economic Systems
A pure market economy is a theoretical extreme on the spectrum of economic systems that does not actually exist in the real world. It does, however, provide a benchmark that can be used for comparison with real world economic systems.

In pure market economies, markets are used by buyers and sellers to voluntarily exchange goods, services, and resources. Buyers seek to pay the lowest prices. Sellers seek to receive the highest prices. Resources are allocated to the production of the goods with the highest prices and greatest satisfaction of wants and needs.

The real world embodiment of a pure market economy is termed a market-oriented economy or capitalism. The market-oriented economy of the United States is the primary example.

While, in theory, resource allocation could be undertaken exclusively through markets or governments, in the real world, all economies rely on a mix of both markets and governments for allocation decisions, what is termed a mixed economy.


Recommended Citation:

PURE MARKET ECONOMY, AmosWEB Encyclonomic WEB*pedia,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 18, 2025].

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