September 16, 2024 

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ACCOUNTING PROFIT: The difference between a business's revenue and it's accounting expenses. This is the profit that's listed on a company's balance sheet, appears periodically in the financial sector of the newspaper, and is reported to the Internal Revenue Service for tax purposes. It frequently has little relationship to a company's economic profit because of the difference between accounting expense and the opportunity cost of production. Some accounting expense is not an opportunity cost and some opportunity cost is does not show up as an accounting expenses.

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ECONOMIC RENT: The difference between the payment received by a resource owner and the opportunity cost of the resource. This is the payment received by a resource owner over and above the minimum needed to produce a good. Many resource owners are able to extract a portion of the economic profit generated by a business as a economic rent.

     See also | rent | profit | opportunity cost | economic profit | land | rent seeking | quasi-rent |

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ECONOMIC RENT, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 16, 2024].

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The difference between the equilibrium real production achieved in the short-run aggregate market and full-employment real production that occurs when short-run equilibrium real production is more than full-employment real production. An inflationary gap, also termed an expansionary gap, is associated with a business-cycle expansion, especially the latter stages of an expansion. This is one of two alternative output gaps that can occur when short-run equilibrium generates production that differs from full employment. The other is a recessionary gap.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time wandering around the downtown area wanting to buy either a large green chalkboard shaped like the state of Maine or a replacement battery for your pocket calculator. Be on the lookout for telephone calls from long-lost relatives.
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In the Middle Ages, pepper was used for bartering, and it was often more valuable and stable in value than gold.
"You need just the right amount of ambition . . . If you have too little ambition, you don't push or work hard. If you have too much ambition, you put yourself ahead of others, elbow them out of your way. "

-- Andy Grove, Intel chairman and co-founder

International Journal of Industrial Organization
A PEDestrian's Guide
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