ADAM SMITH: A Scottish professor (born 1723, died 1790) who is considered the father of modern economics for his revolutionary book, entitled An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations published in 1776.
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IMPLEMENTATION LAG The time lag that occurs after a government policy designed to correct an economic problem has been selected and the actual execution of the policy. The implementation lag is based the time it takes for government agencies, which can be slow and methodical, to carry out the designated policy. This "inside lag" is one of four policy lags associated with monetary and fiscal policy. The other two "inside lags" are recognition lag and decision lag, and one "outside lag" is implementation lag. All four policy lags can reduce the effectiveness of business-cycle stabilization policies and can even destabilize the economy.
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A Random Walk Through Some ECONOMIC STATISTICS A pedestrian must always be on guard during any economic excursion, especially when passing the Sylvester J. Peabody Federal Office Building here in Shady Valley. You never know when a window will burst open sending a barrage of glass slivers and economic statistics haphazardly into the street. This is usually followed by a pointy-headed economist who pokes his pointy head through the remaining shards of glass to adamantly declare that there's absolutely, positively NO RECESSION! But he'll recheck the numbers just in case there really is one. WATCH OUT! DUCK!
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time wandering around the downtown area looking to buy either handcrafted decorations to hang on your walls or throw pillows for your bed. Be on the lookout for high interest rates. Your Complete Scope
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The first "Black Friday" on record, a friday marked by a major financial catastrophe, occurred on September 24, 1869 -- A FRIDAY -- when an attempted cornering of the gold market induced a financial crises and economy-wide depression.
"Act well at the moment, and you have performed a good action for all eternity." -- Johann Kaspar Lavater
ILS Indirect Least Squares, International Labor Standards
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