September 10, 2024 

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FACTORS OF PRODUCTION: The four basic factors used to produce goods and services in the economy--labor, capital, land, and entrepreneurship. These are also called resources or scarce resources. The term "factors of production" is quite descriptive of the function these "resources" perform. Labor, capital, land, and entrepreneurship are the four "factors" or items use in the "production" of goods and services. So there you have it "factors" of "production."

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LEADING ECONOMIC INDICATOR: One of eleven economic statistics that tend to move up or down a few months before the expansions and contractions of the business cycle. These leading indicators are -- manufacturers new orders, an index of vendor performance, orders for plant and equipment, Standard & Poor's 500 index of stock prices, new building permits, durable goods manufacturers unfilled orders, the money supply, change in materials prices, average workweek in manufacturing, changes in business and consumer credit, a consumer confidence index, and initial claims for unemployment insurance. Leading indicators indicate what the aggregate economy is likely to do, business-cycle-wise, 3 to 12 months down the road. When leading indicators rise today, then the rest of the economy is likely to rise in the coming year. And when leading indicators decline, then the economy is likely to decline in 3 to 12 months.

     See also | economic indicators | lagging economic indicator | coincident economic indicator | money supply | Standard & Poor's 500 | durable good | consumer confidence |

Recommended Citation:

LEADING ECONOMIC INDICATOR, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 10, 2024].

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Total cost per unit of output, found by dividing total cost by the quantity of output. When compared with price (per unit revenue), average total cost (ATC) indicates the per unit profitability of a profit-maximizing firm. Average total cost is one of three average cost concepts important to short-run production analysis. The other two are average fixed cost and average variable cost. A related concept is marginal cost.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at a crowded estate auction hoping to buy either shoe laces for your snow boots or a rim for your spare tire. Be on the lookout for rusty deck screws.
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More money is spent on gardening than on any other hobby.
"Life is a promise; fulfill it. "

-- Mother Teresa, humanitarian

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