September 19, 2024 

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BUSINESS INVENTORIES: Stocks of finished products, intermediate goods, raw materials, and other inputs that businesses have on hand. One big reason to keep inventories is to maintain a continuous stream of production by avoiding any supply shortages. Another big reason is to avoid the loss of sales because finished products are unavailable when a customer is ready, willing, and able to buy.

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DISCOUNT RATE: The interest rate that the Federal Reserve System charges for loans to banks. To ensure that our nation's banks retain their liquidity and remain in business, the Federal Reserve System stands ready to lend bank reserves on a moment's notice to any bank. The discount rate is the interest rate the Federal Reserve System charges for these loans. Like any interest rate, when it goes up (or down) it discourages (or encourages) borrowing. In principle, the Fed can use the discount rate to control our nation's money supply.

     See also | Federal Reserve System | bank reserves | interest rate | money supply | fractional-reserve banking | bank panic | open market operations | reserve requirements | monetary policy |

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DISCOUNT RATE, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 19, 2024].

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The change in quantity demanded that results because a change in the demand price of a good affects real income (that is, the purchasing power of income) even though nominal income remains the same. This is one of two reasons, or effects, underlying the law of demand and the negative slope of the market demand curve. The other is the substitution effect.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time strolling around a discount warehouse buying club seeking to buy either a how-to book on home remodeling or a tall storage cabinet with five shelves and a secure lock. Be on the lookout for mail order catalogs with hidden messages.
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A thousand years before metal coins were developed, clay tablet "checks" were used as money by the Babylonians.
"No amount of business school training or work experience can teach what is ultimately a matter of personal character. "

-- Truett Cathy, Chick-fil-A Inc. founder

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